File "", line 140
for ref, occurnum in nsmallest(10, d.iteritems(), key=lambda (k,v): (-v,k)):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
code show as below
def TopOccurr(num, request, total):
args = parse_args()
d = {}
for i in get_obj[num]:
if i in d:
d[i] = d[i]+1
d[i] = 1
x = PrettyTable([request, total])
x.align["Requests"] = "l"
x.padding_width = 1
for ref, occurnum in nsmallest(10, d.iteritems(), key=lambda (k,v): (-v,k)):
x.add_row([ref[:120], occurnum])
return x.get_string(start=0, end=10, sortby=total, reversesort=True)
When defining lambda, if there are multiple parameters, these parameters do not need to be bracketed
lambda in official documentation:
Post the modified complete code:
No errors reported in actual testing (Python 3.6.0, IPython 5.3.0)
Lambda in python3 does not support decompressing data using parentheses
Just remove the parentheses of the parameters.