Like the above, it is a comment, looped out. To determine which type it is, display the above content.
The loop is different every 2 seconds. Ajax requested data
The official said that frequent switching like this consumes performance. But v-show cannot be used in this case, because v-show will show everything out.
Is there any solution? I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it.
<li v-for="(item, index) in items">
<template v-show="item.type == 'a'">
{{ item.msg }}
<template v-show="item.type == 'b'">
{{ item.msg }}
<template v-show="item.type == 'c'">
{{ item.msg }}
Why does v-show display everything? Can your item.type be equal to a, b, c, d at the same time?