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window.aaa = (function($) { var bbb = (function() { alert(1); })(); })(Zepto);
This is an encapsulated script. But how to call bbb outside?
aaa is mounted on the window, but aaa.bbb() cannot be executed
You understand the timely function wrong:
1、(function(){})();即时函数,会执行一遍; 注:window.aaa = (function($) { })(Zepto); 你这里的 window.aaa是没有用的 是undefined; 你里面的bbb函数也是一样, 你外面当然访问不到呀!
Although I don’t quite understand how you want to call it, it seems that your aaa is mounted in the window, but aaa.bbb() cannot execute this sentence. Then you can change it to:
window.aaa = (function($) { var bbb = (function() { alert(1); }); return {bbb:bbb}; })(Zepto);
You can use aaa.bbb() outside; if you write it like this, you have to pay attention to the closure and variable scope issues in the bbb method~!
Use module.export to expose it and require it outside.
You understand the timely function wrong:
Although I don’t quite understand how you want to call it, it seems that your aaa is mounted in the window, but aaa.bbb() cannot execute this sentence. Then you can change it to:
You can use aaa.bbb() outside; if you write it like this, you have to pay attention to the closure and variable scope issues in the bbb method~!
Use module.export to expose it and require it outside.