The official demo does not tell when the event will be triggered. There is nothing in the current callback function. Please advise. The following is the official demo, link
imgTar: '#imageUpload',
limitSize: 5, // 兆
showServer: false,
uploadUrl: '',
data: {},
uploadField: 'image',
placeholader: '<p>请输入文章正文内容</p>',
validHtml: ["br"],
uploadSuccess: function(res) {
// 这里是处理返回数据业务逻辑的地方
// `res`为服务器返回`status==200`的`response`
// 如果这里`return <path>`将会以`<img src='path'>`的形式插入到页面
// 如果发现`res`不符合业务逻辑
// 比如后台告诉你这张图片不对劲
// 麻烦返回 `false`
// 当然如果`showServer==false`
// 无所谓咯
return res.path;
uploadError: function(res) {
The value of imgTar will generate an imageUpload button with the ID set for you
Click this button to trigger upload