I found that your general idea is correct, but there is a problem with the processing of loops and step sizes. Please refer to the following for the correct writing method:
function directInsertionSort(array, gap) {
gap = (gap == undefined) ? 1 : gap; //默认从下标为1的元素开始遍历
var length = array.length, index, current;
for (var i = gap; i < length; i++) {
index = i - gap; //待比较元素的下标
current = array[i]; //当前元素
while(index >= 0 && array[index] > current) { //前置条件之一:待比较元素比当前元素大
array[index + gap] = array[index]; //将待比较元素后移gap位
index -= gap; //游标前移gap位
if(index + gap != i){ //避免同一个元素赋值给自身
array[index + gap] = current; //将当前元素插入预留空位
return array;
function shellSort(array){
var length = array.length, gap = length>>1, current, i, j;
while(gap > 0){
directInsertionSort(array, gap); //按指定步长进行直接插入排序
gap = gap>>1;
return array;
About Hill sorting, there is a detailed article that includes complete step-by-step explanations and gifs. Please refer to all the sorting algorithms that may be used in JS In addition, I also have this article in my column, if you are interested, you can follow me.
I found that your general idea is correct, but there is a problem with the processing of loops and step sizes. Please refer to the following for the correct writing method:
About Hill sorting, there is a detailed article that includes complete step-by-step explanations and gifs. Please refer to all the sorting algorithms that may be used in JS
In addition, I also have this article in my column, if you are interested, you can follow me.