First prove that it can be accessed is docker’s is local
Test command ab -c 100 -n 100000 http://xxx
Test nginx display html
worker: 1 worker
cpu: one core
Environment: docker (ubuntu 16)

The second time (nginx.conf is the same as above)
Test nginx to display html
worker: 1 worker
cpu: quad core
Environment: local (Mac)

The third time (except worker_processes=4;nginx.conf configuration is the same as above)
Test nginx to display html
worker: 4 workers
cpu: quad core
Environment :Local (Mac)

Change the number of commands to 1W
Why is the container's processing power higher than that of the local machine? Even if I open phpStorm, qq, chrome, etc. locally, the gap will not be that big. Can you analyze the reason? Another question is why the cpu is accessed Is it basically used by most kernels?
1.ab simulation is all about running threads and consuming system resources, most of which are used to run threads.
2. Why can’t I see which one has higher performance? Such test data are all misunderstandings.