javascript - Whether string exists for a piece of data performs better than object
滿天的星座2017-05-24 11:32:23
When developing small programs or some frameworks, many request callbacks are string. Is it because string has better performance than object and json?
Because. . No matter what, the background response is a string. So js 在收到 object 的时候,也是一串 json 的字符串。然后,js needs to parse this string into an object. The performance is definitely better than that of an ordinary string, but the performance advantage is almost negligible. After all, if there are complex data structures, ordinary strings cannot solve the needs.
The reason is very simple: there are various back-end languages, and the various Objects sent may not be treated directly as JS objects by the front-end JS.
So we need to use some kind of object representation 标准范式 to convert different types of objects into objects that JS can understand.
Perhaps you have guessed that this paradigm is JSON ———— an object representation (in string form)
In this way, any backend language can convert its object into JSON (with the help of a library or writing it yourself) and then send it to the front end, so that the front end can easily convert JSON into JS objects.
So you can see:
Different implementations of Object in multiple languages => Obejct 实现 => JSON => JavaScript => JavaScript objects
The same goes for vice versa.
Of course, there is not only JSON, a standard paradigm, but also many (xml, etc.)
Because. . No matter what, the background response is a string. So
needs to parse this string into an object. The performance is definitely better than that of an ordinary string, but the performance advantage is almost negligible. After all, if there are complex data structures, ordinary strings cannot solve the needs.The backend cannot be done
.The reason is very simple: there are various back-end languages, and the various Objects sent may not be treated directly as JS objects by the front-end JS.
So we need to use some kind of object representation
to convert different types of objects into objects that JS can understand.Perhaps you have guessed that this paradigm is
———— an object representation (in string form)In this way, any backend language can convert its object into
(with the help of a library or writing it yourself) and then send it to the front end, so that the front end can easily convert JSON into JS objects.So you can see:
Different implementations of
in multiple languages =>Obejct
实现 =>JSON
objectsThe same goes for vice versa.
Of course, there is not only JSON, a standard paradigm, but also many (xml, etc.)
Or you can think differently:
然后发往前端。前端收到后 解调成
JS Object
As for the performance you mentioned, generally string operations are much faster than some operations on objects.
However, objects have hierarchical inclusion relationships and multiple data types, which string parameters do not have.