Title: The content in the title of the current page will be taken. Picture: The first qualified picture in the body of the current page will be taken. There are requirements for image specifications: the size must be greater than: 300px × 300px Put the image that meets the above two conditions into <img> and put it at the front of the page<body>. In this way, this image will be used as a thumbnail when sharing.
Look at the development documentation of WeChat jssdk
Go to the official website to see the rest
Title: The content in the title of the current page will be taken.
Picture: The first qualified picture in the body of the current page will be taken.
There are requirements for image specifications: the size must be greater than: 300px × 300px
Put the image that meets the above two conditions into <img> and put it at the front of the page<body>. In this way, this image will be used as a thumbnail when sharing.
WeChat needs to use jssdk. For details, you can check the developer documentation https://mp.weixin.qq.com/wiki