I would like to ask, what is the reason for the error?
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has nothing to do with ref. The error message says that the splice method is not defined during render.
The splice method is the method of Array/array. The description is probably asking for props of type array, but you didn't give it.
The reason for the error is that the object you should operate on is not an array. As for the relationship with ref, it is not clear from the picture you provided
<form v-model="yourModel" ref="yourModel"> <input v-model="yourModel.value" type="text"> </form> <script> this.$refs.yourModel </script>
I usually use it like this, XD
has nothing to do with ref. The error message says that the splice method is not defined during render.
The splice method is the method of Array/array. The description is probably asking for props of type array, but you didn't give it.
The reason for the error is that the object you should operate on is not an array. As for the relationship with ref, it is not clear from the picture you provided
I usually use it like this, XD