It works just fine if it is alone in one page. But there is a problem if two of them are switched on the same page. How can I modify it?
$(function ()
var opt1 = {
"speed": "slow", //变换速度,三速度可选 slow,normal,fast;
"by": "mouseover", //触发事件,click或者mouseover;
"auto": true, //是否自动播放;
"sec": 1000 //自动播放间隔;
(function ($)
demo: function (opt)
var opt = arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : false;
var $button = $(this).children("li"); //容器;
var $sec = 3000; //自动播放默认时间;
var $min = $button.last().width(); //最小宽度;
var $max = $button.first().width(); //最大宽度;
var $index = 1; //轮播开始索引号;
$default = {
by: ? : "mouseover",
auto: ? : false,
sec: opt.sec ? opt.sec < 1000 ? 1000 : opt.sec : $sec,
maxWidth: $max,
minWidth: $min,
index: $index
run: function ()
{ //运行方法;
var $obj = $(this);
if ($obj.width() == $default.minWidth)
var timeDo = window.setTimeout(function ()
$default.index = $obj.index();
}, 100);
$obj.mouseout(function ()
autoPlay: function () { //自动播放;
if ($ {
var $this = $(this);
$this.mouseover(function () {
$this.mouseout(function () {
autoDo: function () { //播放方法;
var $len = $(this).length - 1;
var $this = $(this);
timeL = window.setInterval(function () {
$default.index < $len ? $default.index++ : $default.index = 0;
}, $default.sec);
anim: function ()
{ //动画方法;
var $fx = function ()
width: $default.minWidth}, $default.speed);
width: $default.maxWidth}, $default.speed);
<ul id="mp_gnq">
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<p class="mp_p"></p>
<span class="mp_a">三亚</span>
<p class="mp_yi"></p>
<a href="#"><img src="../image/a2.jpg" width="740" height="319" class="bor0" /></a>
<p class="mp_p"></p>
<span class="mp_a">杭州</span>
<p class="mp_yi"></p>
<a href="#"><img src="../image/a3.jpg" width="740" height="319" class="bor0" /></a>
<p class="mp_p"></p>
<span class="mp_a">厦门</span>
<p class="mp_yi"></p>
<a href="#"><img src="../image/a4.jpg" width="740" height="319" class="bor0" /></a>
<p class="mp_p"></p>
<span class="mp_a">杭州</span>
<p class="mp_yi"></p>
<a href="#"><img src="../image/a5.jpg" width="740" height="319" class="bor0" /></a>
<p class="mp_p"></p>
<span class="mp_a">厦门</span>
<p class="mp_yi"></p>
I don’t understand what you want to express in the description, but if you mean that if you introduce one jQuery.js, your plug-in will run, but if you introduce two, it won’t work. You can take a look at this
Your title and description are inconsistent
Try $.noConflict()? ?
Both plug-ins operate on the same dom. Who do you want this dom to listen to?
Don’t use too many plug-ins, modify them appropriately, otherwise you won’t be able to tell anything without looking at the actual picture