How to select the first 2017 in acceptDate, the first 06 under 2017, and the first 05 under 06?
acceptDate[2017] can be selected, but what if it is dynamic?
How can the KEY in this data format be changed at will, dynamic or not? You only need to know the key to get the value
Object.keys can get the array composed of object keys, and then you get the first one
Object is a mapping relationship, there is no concept of order. The picture you posted is just console.log in dictionary order
var paramOne = "2017" acceptDate[paramOne]
Dynamics are the way to get them. In the final analysis, you need to have corresponding indexes.
I have used a similar method on keys in lodash
How can the KEY in this data format be changed at will, dynamic or not? You only need to know the key to get the value
Object.keys can get the array composed of object keys, and then you get the first one
Object is a mapping relationship, there is no concept of order. The picture you posted is just console.log in dictionary order
Dynamics are the way to get them. In the final analysis, you need to have corresponding indexes.
I have used a similar method on