p.innerHTML = '<label style="font-size: 1.8rem;margin: 1rem 2rem 0 4.8rem;display: inline-block;">评分:</label>'+
'<p style="display: inline-block;" >'+'<p class="icons mui-inline" style="margin-left: 0.6rem;">'+
'<i data-index="1" class="mui-icon mui-icon-star"></i>'+'<i data-index="2" class="mui-icon mui-icon-star"></i>'+
'<i data-index="3" class="mui-icon mui-icon-star"></i>'+'<i data-index="4" class="mui-icon mui-icon-star"></i>'+
'<i data-index="5" class="mui-icon mui-icon-star"></i>'+'</p>'+'</p>'+'</br>'+
'<label style="font-size: 1.8rem;margin: 1rem 2rem 0 4.8rem;">评价:</label>'+
'<textarea style="width: 96%;margin-left: 0.7rem;" ></textarea>'+
'<button id="submit" class="mui-btn mui-btn-block mui-btn-primary">提交</button>';
if(submitId == id){
var submitUrl = baseServerUrl+"/m/biz/issue/addAppraise?issueId="+that.issueId+"&userId="+that.userId+"&level="+that.level+"&appraiseContent="+that.message;
我在JS里面crete了一个Button,并且给了id,现在想在外面写一个绑定事件,但是报错显示没有获取到这个id, 请问各位大神这怎么解决
Did you insert the body after create?
Make sure to draw the button before getting the id of the button
The submitButton object must exist before
submitButton.addEventListener 🎜Provide several ideas:
1. If you are using js, you need to use the createElement() method. Don’t use the wrong method.
2. After creating the element, insert it into the dom tree
3. Your id setting should be setAttribute()
I also encountered spliced html when I was working. I was getting the id of a certain tag. The method I used was the document.on method to get the id of a certain tag. Personal method (for reference only^~^);
Why are your native JS and JQ mixed together