github - push and pull under git mac terminal suddenly require ssh password, xcode does not need it
ringa_lee2017-06-23 09:12:22
After restarting, suddenly every operation in the terminal requires a password. I checked some methods online but they are currently invalid. Every access operation to gitlab and github within the company requires a password. Ask for advice
If sshkey is not configured, access will be required every time git data is transferred; if sshkey has been configured, there may be a problem with the .ssh configuration file or it has been modified.
If sshkey is not configured, access will be required every time git data is transferred; if sshkey has been configured, there may be a problem with the .ssh configuration file or it has been modified.
Confirm whether the ssh file is updated. If there is an update, you need to replace it
Or you can remember the password through git configuration
git config --global credential.helper store
MAC can run this script
Download it and use the sh command and it’s OK
Everything was normal before and no special operations were done. Regenerated sshkey once, and it’s good to go after configuration