<?php //保密token串 $token = '249238jdush24hgdddf/sds_assd_&ssa23_sd'; //业务参数对开公开 $str = 'name=zhangsan&id=23'; //保密的签名算法 $sign = md5($str.$token); 想请教下大家,我的接口签名是这样封装的,那么sign被破解的可能性大吗? 有其他更高明的接口安全验证方案吗?
As long as your token is not leaked, there will be no problem with this method. A more confidential solution is to add timestamp. For example, all requests longer than 600 seconds will be invalid.
Add app_id and app_secret, app_secret is confidential
If the requester's IP is relatively fixed, you can add an IP whitelist to verify the IP.
As long as your token is not leaked, there will be no problem with this method.
A more confidential solution is to add
. For example, all requests longer than 600 seconds will be invalid.Add app_id and app_secret, app_secret is confidential
If the requester's IP is relatively fixed, you can add an IP whitelist to verify the IP.