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This is drifting bro
Is data.value_list returning an array?
Print outside the function to see if there is data. If there is no data, it should not be updated
then(res=>{ })
Remove function
Pay attention to the transformation of this pointer
Maybe vue does not support your way of writing html tagsTry changing it to the following one?
<li v-for="item in matchValueList"> <!--<li>{{item.name}}</li>--注释了--> <span>{{item.name}}</span> </li>
This is drifting bro
Is data.value_list returning an array?
Print outside the function to see if there is data. If there is no data, it should not be updated
Remove function
Pay attention to the transformation of this pointer
Maybe vue does not support your way of writing html tags
Try changing it to the following one?