The problem has been solved, I forgot to write export default. . . .
default: followed by a space
Can your JS use ES6 syntax? I see that you use the babel-loader package
In ES6, default is a keyword. Keywords cannot be used as variable names or attribute names. You can try changing this default to another name
Try changing default to another name
There are several things that need to be modified:
line 24, 25 colors need a space after type/default,
The ';' in line 30 should be removedModify it like this and try again to see if there is still a problem
Default should be a reserved word, try changing the name.
default: followed by a space
Can your JS use ES6 syntax? I see that you use the babel-loader package
In ES6, default is a keyword. Keywords cannot be used as variable names or attribute names. You can try changing this default to another name
Try changing default to another name
There are several things that need to be modified:
line 24, 25 colors need a space after type/default,
The ';' in line 30 should be removed
Modify it like this and try again to see if there is still a problem
Default should be a reserved word, try changing the name.