// 项目使用 `composer`
// 重新封装了 redis
use cache\Redis;
// 因为封装了几种缓存方式 如:file,memcache
// 所以想要这种 字符串 的方式来 new 类
// 但是这个方式直接报错,没有重名问题
$class = 'Redis';
$instance = new $class($options);
// 如果直接 new,就没有问题,可以正常运行
$instance = new Redis($options);
The first error is like this PHP Fatal error: Class 'Redis' not found
If I don’t use namespace automatic loading and use include file
, the first and second options are no problem.
What is the principle of this and how to solve it? Thank you.
When using a namespace and instantiating a variable as a class name,
needs to include the complete namespace
, and add the namespace directly where instantiatedRequires full namespace
It has been solved, thank you.