<statement> or DELIMITER expected,got 'id'
As shown in the picture, there is an error here, but I don’t understand what it means
Other content is normal, except that the id of the first Base_Column_List has a red underline error
<constructor >
<idArg column="id" jdbcType="INTEGER" javaType="java.lang.Integer" />
<arg column="user_id" jdbcType="INTEGER" javaType="java.lang.Integer" />
<arg column="product_id" jdbcType="INTEGER" javaType="java.lang.Integer" />
<arg column="quantity" jdbcType="INTEGER" javaType="java.lang.Integer" />
<arg column="checked" jdbcType="INTEGER" javaType="java.lang.Integer" />
<arg column="create_time" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" javaType="java.util.Date" />
<arg column="update_time" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" javaType="java.util.Date" />
<sql id="Base_Column_List" >
id, user_id, product_id, quantity, checked, create_time, update_time
The same applies to other automatically generated tables
I don’t know if it is a problem with IntelliJ’s alarm level or if there is really a problem
You can test whether it is running normally. If an error is reported during operation, then look for the error. The error prompted by the editor may not necessarily be an error
intelliJ2017 will report an error like this, but it runs without any problem. It’s just a small bug in intelliJ