select truncate(, 2) as plat, truncate(a.lng, 2) as plng, temp.latt, temp.lngt from user_post as a inner join
(select truncate(, 2) as latt, truncate(user_post.lng, 2) as lngt from user_post group by latt, lngt having count(latt) >= 4 and count(lngt)>= 4) as temp
on (a.plat = temp.latt and a.plng = temp.lngt);
Why is an error like unknown column 'a.plat' in ON clause
aThe alias points to the table user_post. Judging from your statement, the user_post table has a lat field but no plat field.
So a.plat in the on condition is wrong.
Try adding brackets: