I encountered a control problem in the project. I used the panel drag effect written in JQ before. I want to transplant it to angular code but I don’t know how to deal with it. Please let me know.
JQ code
scale = function (btn, bar, title, from, to, initnum) {
this.plus = $('.scale_btn_l a');
this.add = $('.scale_btn_r a');
this.btn = document.getElementById(btn);
this.bar = document.getElementById(bar);
this.title = document.getElementById(title);
this.step = this.bar.getElementsByTagName("p")[0];
this.from = from;
this.to = to;
this.initnum = initnum;
var length = 0;
scale.prototype = {
init: function () {
var f = this, g = document, b = window, m = Math;
$('.scale_panel .fl').html(f.from + '℃');
$('.scale_panel .fr').html(f.to + '℃');
$('.basemsg span').html(f.initnum + '℃');
if (f.from) {
length = 100 / (f.to - f.from);
var lengthinit = f.to - f.initnum;
var offsetleft = (f.bar.clientWidth / (f.to - f.from)) * (Math.abs(f.to - f.from) - Math.abs(lengthinit)) + length;
this.title.innerHTML = this.initnum;
f.btn.style.left = offsetleft + 'px';
this.step.style.width = offsetleft + 'px';
f.btn.addEventListener('touchstart', function(event) {
var x = event.targetTouches[0].pageX;
var l = this.offsetLeft;
var max = f.bar.offsetWidth - this.offsetWidth;
var thisX = _event.targetTouches[0].pageX;
var to = m.min(max, m.max(-2, l + (thisX - x)));
if (to > length) {
to += length;
if(to > f.bar.offsetWidth){
f.btn.style.left = f.bar.offsetWidth + 'px';
f.ondrag(m.round(m.max(0, to / max) * 100), f.bar.offsetWidth);
f.btn.style.left = to + 'px';
f.ondrag(m.round(m.max(0, to / max) * 100), to);
b.getSelection ? b.getSelection().removeAllRanges() : g.selection.empty();
}, false);
/*f.btn.touchstart = function (e) {
var x = (e || b.event).clientX;
var l = this.offsetLeft;
var max = f.bar.offsetWidth - this.offsetWidth;
g.touchmove = function (e) {
var thisX = (e || b.event).clientX;
var to = m.min(max, m.max(-2, l + (thisX - x)));
if (to > length) {
to += length;
f.btn.style.left = to + 'px';
f.ondrag(m.round(m.max(0, to / max) * 100), to);
b.getSelection ? b.getSelection().removeAllRanges() : g.selection.empty();
g.touchend = new Function('this.touchmove=null');
f.plus.on('click', function () {
var currentNum = parseInt(f.title.innerHTML);
if (currentNum > f.from) {
var lengthinit = f.to - (currentNum - 1);
var offsetleft = (f.bar.clientWidth / (f.to - f.from)) * (Math.abs(f.to - f.from) - Math.abs(lengthinit)) + length;
f.title.innerHTML = currentNum - 1;
$('.basemsg span').html((currentNum - 1) + '℃');
// $('.leng').html((currentNum - 1) + '℃');
if ((currentNum - 1) == f.from) {
f.btn.style.left = 0 + 'px';
f.step.style.width = 0 + 'px';
} else {
f.btn.style.left = offsetleft + 'px';
f.step.style.width = offsetleft + 'px';
f.add.on('click', function () {
var currentNum = parseInt(f.title.innerHTML);
if (currentNum < f.to) {
var lengthinit = f.to - (currentNum + 1);
var offsetleft = (f.bar.clientWidth / (f.to - f.from)) * (Math.abs(f.to - f.from) - Math.abs(lengthinit)) + length;
f.title.innerHTML = currentNum + 1;
$('.basemsg span').html((currentNum + 1) + '℃');
// $('.leng').html((currentNum + 1) + '℃');
if ((currentNum + 1) == f.to) {
f.btn.style.left = f.bar.clientWidth + 'px';
f.step.style.width = f.bar.clientWidth + 'px';
} else {
f.btn.style.left = offsetleft + 'px';
f.step.style.width = offsetleft + 'px';
ondrag: function (pos, x) {
var num = parseInt(pos / length) + 1;
var num1 = 0;
if (this.from < 0) {
num1 = this.from + (num - 1);
} else {
num1 = num;
this.step.style.width = Math.max(0, x) + 'px';
this.title.innerHTML = num1;
$('.basemsg span').html(num1 + '℃');
//new scale('btn', 'bar', 'title', -23, -15, -13);
function changeTemper($this, $type) {
var num = $this.find('p span').html();
if ($type == 1) {
cangshiname = '冷藏区';
new scale('btn', 'bar', 'title', 1, 9, num);
} else if ($type == 2) {
new scale('btn', 'bar', 'title', -20, 5, num);
} else if ($type == 3) {
new scale('btn', 'bar', 'title', -23, -15, num);
$('.dialog').find('.dialog-btn-ok').on('click', function () {
if ($type == 1){
$this.find('p span').html($('.basemsg span').html().replace('℃', ''));
$('.leng').html($('.basemsg span').html().replace('℃', ''));
else if ($type == 2){
$this.find('p span').html($('.basemsg span').html().replace('℃', ''));
$('.bian').html($('.basemsg span').html().replace('℃', ''));
else if ($type == 3){
$this.find('p span').html($('.basemsg span').html().replace('℃', ''));
$('.dong').html($('.basemsg span').html().replace('℃', ''));
function dialogModal($name){
var htmlstr = '<p class="dialog">' +
' <p class="mask"></p>' +
' <p class="dialog-modal">' +
' <p class="dialog-bd">' +
' <p class="vfridge-slide">' +
' <p class="basemsg">' + $name + '<span>-20℃</span>' +
' <small>实时温度</small>' +
' </p>' +
' <p class="scale_wrap">' +
' <p class="scale_btn_l fl"><a><img src="images/refrigeratorControl/icon-plusDevice@3x.png"></a></p>' +
' <p class="scale_panel fl">' +
' <span class="fl">-23℃</span>' +
' <p class="scale" id="bar">' +
' <p id="scaleprogress" name="scaleprogress" class="scaleprogress"></p>' +
' <p id="btn" class="btn">' +
' <span id="title" class="msg">-23</span>' +
' </p>' +
' </p>' +
' <span class="fr">-15℃</span>' +
' </p>' +
' <p class="scale_btn_r fr"><a><img src="images/refrigeratorControl/icon-addDevice@3x.png"></a></p>' +
' </p>' +
' <p>设置温度</p>' +
' </p>' +
' </p>' +
' <p class="dialog-ft">' +
' <a class="dialog-btn-cancel" onclick="$(\'.dialog\').remove();changge = null;">取消</a>' +
' <a class="dialog-btn-ok">确定</a>' +
' </p>' +
' </p>' +
return htmlstr;
$scope.plusTemp = function(type){
if (type == 1) {
if ($scope.refrigeratorTargetTemperature >= $scope.DeviceData.refrigeratorTargetTemperature.logic.range.maxValue) {
if ($$(".ModalPromptBox").length === 0) {
$translate(['lang_maxTem','lang_cannotHigh']).then(function(translations) {
$$.warn(translations.lang_maxTem + " " + $scope.DeviceData.refrigeratorTargetTemperature.logic.range.maxValue + translations.lang_cannotHigh);
} else {
$scope.refrigeratorTargetTemperature === "-/-" ? 0 : $scope.refrigeratorTargetTemperature;
$scope.refrigeratorTargetTemperature += $scope.DeviceData.refrigeratorTargetTemperature.logic.range.step;
'refrigeratorTargetTemperature': $scope.refrigeratorTargetTemperature
else if (type == 3) {
if ($scope.vtRoomTargetTemperature +21 >= $scope.DeviceData.vtRoomTargetTemperature.logic.range.maxValue) {
if ($$(".ModalPromptBox").length === 0) {
$translate(['lang_maxTem','lang_cannotHigh']).then(function(translations) {
$$.warn(translations.lang_maxTem + " " + ($scope.DeviceData.vtRoomTargetTemperature.logic.range.maxValue -21)+ translations.lang_cannotHigh);
} else {
$scope.vtRoomTargetTemperature === "-/-" ? 0 : $scope.vtRoomTargetTemperature;
$scope.vtRoomTargetTemperature += $scope.DeviceData.vtRoomTargetTemperature.logic.range.step;
'vtRoomTargetTemperature': $scope.vtRoomTargetTemperature
else {
if (($scope.freezerTargetTemperature+26) >= $scope.DeviceData.freezerTargetTemperature.logic.range.maxValue) {
if ($$(".ModalPromptBox").length === 0) {
$translate(['lang_maxTem','lang_cannotHigh']).then(function(translations) {
$$.warn("不能再高了"+ " " + ($scope.DeviceData.freezerTargetTemperature.logic.range.maxValue -26) + translations.lang_cannotHigh);
} else {
$scope.freezerTargetTemperature === "-/-" ? 0 : $scope.freezerTargetTemperature;
$scope.freezerTargetTemperature += $scope.DeviceData.freezerTargetTemperature.logic.range.step;
'freezerTargetTemperature': $scope.freezerTargetTemperature
$scope.minusTemp = function(type){
if (type == 1) {
if ($scope.refrigeratorTargetTemperature <= $scope.DeviceData.refrigeratorTargetTemperature.logic.range.minValue) {
if ($$(".ModalPromptBox").length === 0) {
$translate(['lang_minTem','lang_cannotLow']).then(function(translations) {
$$.warn(translations.lang_minTem + " " + $scope.DeviceData.refrigeratorTargetTemperature.logic.range.minValue + translations.lang_cannotLow);
} else {
$scope.refrigeratorTargetTemperature === "-/-" ? 0 : $scope.refrigeratorTargetTemperature;
$scope.refrigeratorTargetTemperature -= $scope.DeviceData.refrigeratorTargetTemperature.logic.range.step;
'refrigeratorTargetTemperature': $scope.refrigeratorTargetTemperature
else if (type == 3){
if (($scope.vtRoomTargetTemperature +21 ) <= $scope.DeviceData.vtRoomTargetTemperature.logic.range.minValue) {
if ($$(".ModalPromptBox").length === 0) {
$translate(['lang_minTem','lang_cannotLow']).then(function(translations) {
$$.warn(translations.lang_minTem + " " + ($scope.DeviceData.vtRoomTargetTemperature.logic.range.minValue -21) + translations.lang_cannotLow);
} else {
$scope.vtRoomTargetTemperature === "-/-" ? 0 : $scope.vtRoomTargetTemperature;
$scope.vtRoomTargetTemperature -= $scope.DeviceData.vtRoomTargetTemperature.logic.range.step;
'vtRoomTargetTemperature': $scope.vtRoomTargetTemperature
} else {
if (($scope.freezerTargetTemperature+26) <= $scope.DeviceData.freezerTargetTemperature.logic.range.minValue) {
if ($$(".ModalPromptBox").length === 0) {
$translate(['lang_minTem','lang_cannotLow']).then(function(translations) {
$$.warn(translations.lang_minTem + " " + ($scope.DeviceData.freezerTargetTemperature.logic.range.minValue -26) + translations.lang_cannotLow);
} else {
$scope.freezerTargetTemperature === "-/-" ? 0 : $scope.freezerTargetTemperature;
$scope.freezerTargetTemperature -= $scope.DeviceData.freezerTargetTemperature.logic.range.step;
'freezerTargetTemperature': $scope.freezerTargetTemperature
You can write jQuery code in the angular instruction. If the jQuery library has been introduced, then the second parameter of the link in the angular instruction is the jQuery object.