javascript - What should I do if chrome does not have a showModalDialog method?
PHP中文网2017-07-05 10:40:22
When visiting some router settings pages, Chrome cannot pop up the settings window normally because it is relatively old. An error is reported in the console: showModalDialog method does not exist
Just change the corresponding showModalDialog method to open
Another code on stackoverflow, but sometimes it doesn’t work
<script type="text/javascript">
// fix for deprecated method in Chrome 37
if (!window.showModalDialog) {
window.showModalDialog = function (arg1, arg2, arg3) {
var w;
var h;
var resizable = "no";
var scroll = "no";
var status = "no";
// get the modal specs
var mdattrs = arg3.split(";");
for (i = 0; i < mdattrs.length; i++) {
var mdattr = mdattrs[i].split(":");
var n = mdattr[0];
var v = mdattr[1];
if (n) { n = n.trim().toLowerCase(); }
if (v) { v = v.trim().toLowerCase(); }
if (n == "dialogheight") {
h = v.replace("px", "");
} else if (n == "dialogwidth") {
w = v.replace("px", "");
} else if (n == "resizable") {
resizable = v;
} else if (n == "scroll") {
scroll = v;
} else if (n == "status") {
status = v;
var left = window.screenX + (window.outerWidth / 2) - (w / 2);
var top = window.screenY + (window.outerHeight / 2) - (h / 2);
var targetWin =, arg1, 'toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=' + status + ', menubar=no, scrollbars=' + scroll + ', resizable=' + resizable + ', copyhistory=no, width=' + w + ', height=' + h + ', top=' + top + ', left=' + left);
Just change the corresponding showModalDialog method to open
Another code on stackoverflow, but sometimes it doesn’t work