<el-form :model="ruleForm2" :rules="rules2" ref="ruleForm2" label-position="left" label-width="0px"
class="demo-ruleForm login-container" >
<h3 class="title">系统登录</h3>
<el-form-item prop="account">
<el-input type="text" v-model="ruleForm2.account" auto-complete="off" placeholder="账号"></el-input>
<el-form-item prop="password">
<el-input type="password" v-model="ruleForm2.password" auto-complete="off" placeholder="密码" @keyup.enter.native="handleSubmit2"></el-input>
<el-form-item style="width:100%;">
<el-button type="primary" style="width:100%;" @click.native.prevent="handleSubmit2" :loading="logining" >登录
@keyup.enter must be added here to take effect.
Because your @keyup.enter is written on an encapsulated component
If you write it on an input, you don’t need .native
As for why, please refer to the vue documentation
Methods used to bind native events to components
is actually the abbreviation ofv-on
, andv-on
is an API interface that encapsulates Vue’s event system.Vue’s official documentation points out that Vue uses its own event delivery mechanism. Events such as
are encapsulated by Vue. Therefore, additional identifiers are only needed in some cases where native DOM events are actually handled.Sink, sink...