jsapi_ticket is not obtained when the WeChat interface is called
吴小骏2017-09-23 18:55:41
Direct use of the official demo always prompts invalid signature, and then I find that jsapi_ticket is not obtained and is empty. I am not only a php novice but also a WeChat development novice. Please help! ! !
replyDuring the simulation test, one of the parameters to be filled in is jsapi_ticket, but I found that it was not obtained here... This is the reason! Basically, I haven’t changed anything in the official demo, which means I don’t know where the problem lies.
Please post the code and have a look
You first go to the WeChat test address to simulate the test: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/debug/cgi-bin/sandbox?t=jsapisign
Fill in all your parameters
expire_seconds, action_name , action_info, scene
See if these parameters are there, and if the token has expired! If you follow what I said and these are correct, there should be no problem