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php study needs to use mcrypt_get_key_size(), how to enable mcrypt_
Enable the PHP extension module Mcrypt in the windows environment
1. Edit php.ini and remove the ';' before extension=php_mcrypt.dll
2. Check d:\ Check whether there is php_mcrypt.dll under **\php5\ext, and whether there is libmcrypt.dll under d:\**\php5
3. Copy libmcrypt.dll to C:\Windows\system32
4. Restart the Apache server
Enable the PHP extension module Mcrypt in the windows environment
1. Edit php.ini and remove the ';' before extension=php_mcrypt.dll
2. Check d:\ Check whether there is php_mcrypt.dll under **\php5\ext, and whether there is libmcrypt.dll under d:\**\php5
3. Copy libmcrypt.dll to C:\Windows\system32
4. Restart the Apache server