Since the verification always failed, I deleted all the code in the program and kept only three sentences to check whether the program was executed.
The first sentence, file_put_contents('x.txt','1'); writes 1 to x.txt, indicating that the program is executed and the first sentence is normal.
The second sentence, include_once "pkcs7Encoder.php"; load the interface file
The third sentence, file_put_contents('x.txt','2'); Write to x.txt Enter 2 to indicate that the second sentence is executed normally.
It turned out that the program terminated after executing the second sentence. Originally, the interface provided by Tencent has 5 files. I have tried them all. As long as this file is included, the program will terminate execution.
What is the reason for this?
You can check if there are any breakpoints in the code in the file you imported.
There is a problem importing the file