JavaScript Basics Notes
只是没有如果 2018-11-19 20:33:14


1. The relationship between JS and DOM

The browser has the function of rendering html code. The html source code forms a DOM object in the memory, which is the document object

There is a JS interpreter/execution/engine inside the browser, such as chrome using the v8 engine

We write a JS code in html, the JS code is executed by the engine, and the result of the execution is the DOM Operations, which are special effects we often see, such as pictures floating and text changing color

When the browser is executed, it will render when it encounters html code, and it will interpret and execute when it encounters js, so in order to ensure the overall display of the page , generally write js at the end, that is, render the page first, and then operate the DOM

2. Declaration of variables

var name = 'jquery';


Strictly case-sensitive;

Variable name: numbers, letters, underscores. Numbers cannot be used as the beginning of variable names. Variable names can also start with $ (not recommended)

Not using var will pollute global variables;

Adding var means declaring a local variable inside the function and assigning a value. If not, it is just an assignment process, and it will be searched outside. This variable





3. Variable type

Three major categories (eight data types)

- Traditional type

Number (numeric type)

String(character String type)

Boolean(Boolean type)

- Composite type

Object(object type) Similar to the associative array in PHP {name: ' tom', age: 18}

                                                     ’ s ’ s ’ ’ s ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ​ tom', age: 18} ​ ​ ​ ​(Function type)

- Special type

undefined (Undefined type)

If the variable is declared without an initial value, the data type of the variable is undefined.# No native data Composition:

1. Function name

- Numbers, letters, underscores, numbers cannot be used as the beginning of the function name.

- The function name should be as meaningful as possible. It is recommended to use the camel case naming rule for function names.

2. Parameters (optional), a function can have up to 255 parameters.

3. Function body.

4. Return value (optional)

Function declaration

1.function function name ([parameters...]){

Function body;

Return value;


2.var function name = new Function(parameter...function body);

3. Anonymous function

var test = function([parameter...]){

Function body;

Return value;


Function calling

1. Directly call the function name in the code segment.

2. Call the custom function in the form of a hyperlink.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              > Call a custom function.

Scope of variables

Global scope and local scope

1. Global scope

Declared outside the function Variables, the scope is the global scope.

2. Local scope

Variables declared in the function body, the scope is the local scope.


Divided according to operation functions

-Arithmetic operations

- - * / % -- (positive) -(negative)

-Logical operations (JS, logical operations, return the earliest value that can determine the result of the expression) - Comparison operation

                                      < /= %=

-Connecting operations (Once you encounter illegal numbers, the following is understood as "stitching")

## Divide by the number of operations

- Unary operation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ​ exp2:exp3

When exp1 is true, execute exp2, otherwise execute exp3.

5. Branch statement


if...else ...

If...else if....


6. Loop



…able ...

While and Do ... While:

Do ... While loop is The loop body will also be executed once when the loop condition is not met. while does not execute the loop body when the loop condition is not met.

7. JavaScript built-in objects

Everything in js can be understood as an object. When a method is called, it is packaged into an object at that moment

1. Object declaration

var o = new Object();

var o = {};

var o = {name:'tom',age:10}

2. Methods to access members in objects

Object name. Members (properties and methods) in the object

- String object

var s = new String();

var s = new String("hello");

var s = "hello";

Properties and methods


length Get the length of the string Length



Function: Determine the position where the substring first appears in the object. From Starting from 0

Return: Position. If the substring does not appear in the object, return -1.


Function: Convert the object to Uppercase


Function: Convert the object to lowercase

Object.substr(start [,length])

Function: String interception. The length length is intercepted from the start position.

The length optional parameter is not intercepted to the end of the string by default.


Function: String interception. Start interception from the start position and intercept until the end position. The end optional parameter does not intercept to the end of the string by default.


- Array object


var a = new Array();

var a = [];

var a = new Array('team',1);

var a = ['team',1...];

var a = new Array(7); //7 is the length of the array

Output of the array:

document.write(name of the array);

Assignment of the array

a[0] = 'nico';


length The length of the array


Array object.concat (Array object)

Function: Connect two array objects.

Return: the newly merged array. The order of the elements in the new array depends on the order of the two arrays when merging.

Array object.pop()

Function: Pop the last element in the array object.

Return: The popped (deleted) array element.

Array object.push(array element)

Function: Add elements to the end of the array.

Return: The length of the array after the added element.

Array object.shift()

Function: Pop an element from the head of the array

Return: The popped array element.

Array object.unshift(element name)

Function: Add elements to the head of the array

Return: The length of the array after the added element.

Array object.join(',')

Array object.split(',')

Array object.reverse()

Array object.sort()

- Date object

var d = new Date()



Function: Get four digits Year



  Function: Get the month, month (0~11)


Function: Get the day


Function: Get the number of hours


Function: Get minutes


Function: Get seconds value.


Function: Get the current week value (0 Sunday ~ 6 Saturday)

- Mathematics (Math) object

No instantiation, equivalent to PHP Static call through class name


PI assigned value


Math.ceil (variable)

Function: round up


Function: round down


Function: Rounding


Function: Take absolute value


Function: Return pseudo Random value. Greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1 [0,1).


Function: Return the larger of the variables.

Math.min (variable..)

Function: Return the smaller of the variables.

8. Browser window object

Note: The window object is the browser host The object has nothing to do with JS language

Methods of window object:










Sub-objects of the window object:

1.navigator browser information object

2.location address bar object

3.history History record

4.screen screen object

# 5.document object (DOM object)

6. Storage object

Web The storage API provides two storage objects: sessionStorage (session storage) and localStorage (local storage) to add, delete, modify, and query web page data.



    sessionStorage is used to temporarily save the data of the same window (or tab page). These data will be deleted after closing the window or tab page.

LocalStorage is used to save the data of the entire website for a long time. The saved data has no expiration time until it is manually removed.

9.DOM object operation

DOM (Document Object Model Document Object Model)

Document HTML/XML

##                                                                                                                                                                                         (Extensible Markup Language) Object Convert HTML to JavaScript object.

Model Model

Find object

- document.getElementsByTagName(HTML tag tag)

Returns: an array of objects.

- document.getElementsByName (name attribute value of the HTML tag)

Returns: an array of objects.

- document.getElementById( The id attribute value of the HTML tag)

Returns: object.

- document.getElementsByClassName (the class attribute value of the HTML tag)

Returns: an array of objects.

Why can window.document omit the previous window?

Answer: It’s still a scope problem. If you can’t find it inside, look for it in the outer layer. There is window.document





    Model Model

 If the HTML document is regarded as an inverted tree structure. Then the document The HTML tags, text, comments, and attributes in can be regarded as nodes on the tree structure. The nodes are related. If you find one of the nodes, you can find all the nodes on the tree structure.

Note: A blank and a comment are all nodes;

Node: node name (nodeName),

Node type (nodeType).

Some nodes have nodes Value (nodeValue).

Parent node: node object.parentNode

Child node:

Node object.childNodes Return array (including blank nodes)

                                                                                                                                            ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ of ​

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The last child node of the object

Sibling node:

Node object.previousSibling

Previous Sibling node

Node object. nextSibling

Next Sibling Node

document.createElement(HTML tag tag)

Function: Create a new HTML object

Return: Object

Parent object.appendChild(child object)

Function: Add the child object to the parent object.

Parent object.removeChild (parent object.lastChild)

Function: delete the last child node of the object.

Operation object


1. Reading of attributes

Object.Attribute name

2. Modification of attributes

Object.Attribute name = attribute value


1. Read


Object.innerHTML // All html codes in the tag

2. Modify

Object.innerText = modified text

Object.innerHTML = modified text

innerHTML parses HTML tags, innerText does not parse HTML tags.


1. Read (because the style attribute is still followed by an object, so you need to use . to continue accessing, and you can only read the value of the internal style, and cannot read the value in <style>)

Object . style. Attribute name;

2. Modify name = attribute value;

Attribute name Note: background-color requires the "-" to be removed Then capitalize the first letter of the next word, that is, the small camel case attribute name.

3. Batch modify the style

Object.className = class style name

Get the runtime style object:

Obj.currentStyle[attr] and getComputedStyle(obj, null)[attr] are used to obtain

The former is only supported by IE and Opera, and the latter is also supported by IE9 and above in standard browsers. The second parameter Is a pseudo element


1.Event source

All HTML tags can be regarded as event sources


CLICK Click the event

DBLCLICK Double -click the event

Mouseover Mouse into

# Mouseout Mouse

## Keydown Keyboard Press

Keypress keyboard Press

# document loading

# n

blur lose focus

change form change

submit submit (belongs to the form element return false prevents submission)

3. Event Handler

- <tag on event="Event handler">

Event handler can be javascript code or the name of a custom function.

- Object.on event = event handler

Event handler is an anonymous function.

11. Timer

Executed after n seconds Timer

The clearTimeout() method can cancel the timing operation set by the setTimeout() method.

The parameter of clearTimeout() method must be the ID value returned by setTimeout().

Note: To use the clearTimeout() method, use global variables when creating and executing scheduled operations:

Timer executed every n seconds

The setInterval() method can call a function or calculate an expression according to a specified period (in milliseconds).

The setInterval() method will continue to call the function until clearInterval() is called or the window is closed. The ID value returned by setInterval() can be used as an argument to the clearInterval() method.

Tip: 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.

Tip: If you only want to execute it once, you can use the setTimeout() method.


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