How to delete the original submission required form, (expect the *** area (required) line of the form, so that the page can be submitted normally
商海科技吴生 2018-12-13 13:33:49

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">


<meta charset="UTF-8">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" />

<title><?php echo $cf['site_name'];?></title>

    <meta name="keywords" content="<?php echo $cf['page_keywords'];?>" />

    <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $cf['page_desc'];?>" />

<link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/<?php echo $cf['agent_themes'];?>/css/pc.css">

<link href="<?php echo $cf['manage_themes']; ?>/assets/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css" rel="stylesheet" />

<!---手机自适应代码 -->

<script type="text/javascript">

var mobileAgent = new Array("iphone", "ipod", "ipad", "android", "mobile", "blackberry", "webos", "incognito", "webmate", "bada", "nokia", "lg", "ucweb", "skyfire");

var browser = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); 

var isMobile = false; 

for (var i=0; i<mobileAgent.length; i ){ if (browser.indexOf(mobileAgent[i])!=-1){ isMobile = true; 


location.href = "wapreg.php";

break; } } 


<script src="./themes/manage/layer/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>

<script src="./themes/manage/layer/layer.js"></script>




  $act = $_GET["act"];

$yqm = trim($_GET["yqm"]);

  $FileID=date("Ymd") . '' . rand(0,99);



<div class="wrap">

<!---顶部 -->

<div class="header">

<div class="hd c_float">

<div class="bd_w70">

<div class="f_left left_wp">

<img class="logo" src="themes/<?php echo $cf['agent_themes'];?>/images/logo.png" alt="" />


<div class="f_right right_wp c_float">

<div class="c_float f_left pg_wrap">

<p class="f_left index_pg">

<a class="color_yellow" href="agent.php" ><b><i class=" icon-zoom-in"></i>  ***商授权查询</b></a></p>


<a onclick="agentlogin()" ><div class="f_right login"><i class="icon-rocket"></i> 进入***商平台</div></a>


  function agentlogin(){{

  type: 2,


  skin: 'layui-layer-rim', //加上边框

  shadeClose: true,

  shade: 0.3,

  area: ['240px', '240px'],

  content: 'qrcode_login.php'








<!---TopEND -->

<!---Registration starts-->


<div class="banner">

<h1 class="f_left ">Apply to become a *** provider</h1>


<form name="formagent" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="?act=regagent">

<!--The registration form begins, the following are hidden form fields-->

< ;input name="agentid" id="agentid" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $regagentid; ?>" />

<input type="hidden" name ="applytime" value="<?php echo date('Y-m-d h:s',time());?>">

<input type="hidden"name="url " value="" >

<input type="hidden" name="addtime" value="<?php echo date("Y-m-d");?>" >

<input type="hidden" name="jietime" value="<?php echo date("Y-m-d",strtotime(" 365 days"));?>" >

<input type="hidden" id="about" >

<input type="hidden" name="tel" >

<input type="hidden " name="dizhi" >

<input type="hidden" name="beizhu" id="beizhu" value="">

<input type=" hidden" name="shzt" value="2">

<input type="hidden" name="hmd" value="no">

<input type ="hidden" name="password" value="123456" >

<!--The following are fillable form fields-->

<div class="reg_box ">

<div class="reg_wp" >

<div class="reg_input_wp " >

<input name="name" id="name" class="f_left " type="text" placeholder="Your name (required)" >



<div class="reg_wp">

<div class="reg_input_wp ">

<input name= "phone" id="phone" class="f_left " type="text" placeholder="Your mobile phone number (required)" onkeyup="value=value.replace(/[^1234567890-] /g,'' )">



<div class="reg_wp" >

<div class="reg_input_wp " >

<input name="weixin" id="weixin" class="f_left " type="text" placeholder="Your WeChat ID (Required)" >



<div class="reg_wp"> ;

<div class="reg_input_wp ">

<input name="idcard" id="idcard" class="f_left " type="text" placeholder="you *** number (required)" >



<!- - Determine whether the registration is an invitation initiated by ***. If so, hide the superior *** form filling and change it to automatic acquisition-->

<?php if($yqm=="") {?>

<div class="reg_wp" >

<div class="reg_input_wp ">

< input name="sjdls" type="text" class="f_left " id="sjdls" value="<?php echo $yqm; ?>" placeholder="Superior*** WeChat">



  <?php }else {?>

  <input  name="sjdls" type="hidden"  class="f_left "  id="sjdls" value="<?php echo $yqm; ?>"  >

  <?php }?>

 <!-- 判断结束 --> 


   <div class="reg_wp" >

  <div class="reg_input_wp "  >

   <select name="product" class="f_left"   style="width:100%;height:40px;"  > 

<option value="全部产品">不限***产品</option>


$pro = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tgs_pro order by id desc ");

          while($row = mysql_fetch_array($pro))


           $pro_name = $row['pro_name'];

    $pro_id = $row['id'];


<option value="<?php echo $pro_id; ?>"><?php echo $pro_name; ?></option><?php }?></select>








   <div class="reg_wp" >

  <div class="reg_input_wp " >


   name="quyu" type="text"  class="f_left "  id="quyu"    placeholder="期待***区域(必填)">






    <div class="reg_wp"  >

  <div class="reg_input_wp " >

   <select name="dengji"  class="f_left " style="width:100%;height:40px;" id="dengji"  > 



$pro = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tgs_dljb order by id desc ");

                            while($row = mysql_fetch_array($pro))


                                $dljb = $row['dljb'];

$jbid = $row['id'];


   <option value="<?php echo $jbid; ?>"><?php echo $dljb; ?></option><?php }?></select>




<?php  if($cf['yzm_status']==1){ 


<div class="reg_yzm_wp" style="width:300px;">

<div class="reg_yzm_input">

<input id='yzm' name="yzm"  class="f_left "  type="text" placeholder="验证码" />

<div class="f_right  reg_yzm_search_btn"><img src="data/code.php" alt="验证码"  title="点击刷新"  style="width:100px;" onclick="this.src='data/code.php?d=' Math.random();"/></div>



<?php } ?>

<button type="submit" class="reg_search_btn">提交申请</button> 


<div class="footer">

      <div align="center"><a href="" target="_top" class="STYLE2 STYLE1">版权所有:商海软件</a>
















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