The entry file mentioned here refers to the public/index.php file. The configuration file is in this directory. You can remove the entry file index.php in the URL address, but you need to configure the rewrite rules of the WEB server additionally. Taking Apache as an example, add the .htaccess file at the same level that requires file entry (the official file comes with it by default), with the following content:
replyHello, thank you for your answer. The problem has been solved, but now you can only access the index method, not the hello method inside. The controller does not exist: app\index\controller\Hello:
The entry file mentioned here refers to the public/index.php file. The configuration file is in this directory. You can remove the entry file index.php in the URL address, but you need to configure the rewrite rules of the WEB server additionally. Taking Apache as an example, add the .htaccess file at the same level that requires file entry (the official file comes with it by default), with the following content: