$conn = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","123456","per") or die("Database Server Connection error".mysqli_connect_error()); //Connect to the database
mysqli_set_charset($conn,"utf8"); //Set the encoding format
$name=$ _POST['username']; //trim function filters spaces
$password = $_POST['pwd'];
if($name=='' ){
echo"<script>alert('Your username cannot be empty, please re-enter');location='".$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']. "'</script> ;";
echo"<script>alert('You The password cannot be empty, please re-enter');location='".$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']. "'</script>";
$sql="insert into per_user form(username,password) values('$name','$password')";
$result=mysqli_query($ conn, $ sql);
IF (! $ Result) // Judging whether the data is successfully inserted into the database
## Echo mysqli_error ($ conn);}
through out’s ’ out through out’s ’’s ’ through out through out through ’’s' through through through out through ’ ‐ ‐ through's''''''‐''''‐through's to 1 to 1 to 1 to 1’ to the 10th anniversary of ## echo "<a href='login.html'>Log in now</a>";
insert into per_user (username,password) values ($name,$password);
Where did you see this from
The two rabbits are the username and password I typed randomly during the test
Your SQL syntax is incorrect. Check the manual corresponding to your MySQL server version for the correct syntax to use
## near 'form(username, password) values('rabbit', 'rabbit')' on line 1
# After checking, this is an error message