The difference between WEB server and application server:
1.WEB server: To understand WEB server, we must first understand what WEB is? WEB can be simply understood as the HTML page we see is the data element of WEB The application software that processes these data elements is called a WEB server, such as IIS and apache. The WEB server deals with the client, and the main information it processes is: session, request, response, HTML, JS, CS, etc.
2. Application server: The application server, such as JSP, processes non-conventional WEB pages (JSP files). It dynamically generates WEB pages, and the generated WEB pages are sent to the client (actually, when the application server completes processing After a JSP request and completes the JSP generation of HTML, its task is over, and the rest is the WEB processing process).
The connection between WEB server and application server: 1. WEB server is generally universal, while application server is generally dedicated. For example, Tomcat only handles JAVA applications and cannot handle ASPX or PHP. Apache is a WEB server (HTTP server), and later connected to the Tomcat application server to support java. Chengxin Driving School official website online Qingbai Information Network Dingdingding Yasi Information Network Reaction