I'm using Gin Gonic and an HTML template file.
My template file contains (multi-line) HTML comments similar to <!--This is my comment -->. I wish to preserve the HTML content in the returned output.
c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "static/templates/mytemplate.html", gin.H{ "name": "World", })
Question: How to configure the template engine or c.HTML to not strip HTML comments in templates?
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="de"> <body> <!-- 这些行在输出中缺失。 --> Hello World </body> </html>
My handler:
func NewRouter() *gin.Engine { router := gin.Default() // ... load templates from file system ... router.GET("/foo", fooHandler) return router } func fooHandler(c *gin.Context) { c.HTML(http.StatusOK, "static/templates/mytemplate.html", gin.H{ "name": "World", }) }
After editing, I tried adding the annotation as a constant :
{{"<!-- my comment goes here -->"}}
but the tag is escaped as
<!-- foo -->
I'm guessing the reason the HTML comments are removed is because I'm reading the HTML template as a string (instead of directly as a file). The exact cause still cannot be determined. Anyway, the solution that worked for me was to use placeholders in the template.
and pass the HTML comment itself as a parameter:
Use import "html/template" to import