Set default values for optional URL parameters in Vue Router while having independent optional URL parameters.
2023-08-03 19:31:32
<p>I have the following route</p>
<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">export const personRoutes: RouteRecordRaw[] = [
path: '/person/:id?/:handedSlug?',
name: 'Person',
component: () => import('./view/person'),
<p>I have a method that accepts filter conditions and updates the route: </p>
<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">updateRoute(): void {
const filters = this.filters;
const router = this.$router;
name: 'Person',
params: {
id: filters.getId(),
handedSlug: filters.handedSlug(),
<p>The problem I encountered is that if the id is null and handed is set, the returned URL is: person/handedValue, and what I need is person/all/handedValue. <br /><br />If the following parameters in the URL are set, how to set default values for optional parameters? </p><p><br /></p>
I don't think there is currently such a way, but if there is, it cannot be considered optional. I recommend simply passing in the string 'all' if filters.getId() is empty.
updateRoute(): void { const filters = this.filters; const router = this.$router; let routeId = filters.getId() if (!routeId && filters.handedSlug()) { routeId = 'all' } router.push({ name: 'Person', params: { id: routeId, handedSlug: filters.handedSlug(), }, }); },