Will limit display to student ID # 1 and exclude everything else
2023-08-07 21:06:11
$query = "SELECT t1.ID,t1.student_id, t1.Subject, t1.1st_Grading, t1.2nd_Grading, t1.3rd_Grading, t1.4th_Grading, t1.Status, SUM(t1.1st_Grading t1.2nd_Grading t1.3rd_Grading t1. 4th_Grading) / 4 as Average
FROM grading_system t1
LEFT JOIN studentdata t2 ON t1.student_Id = t2.ID
GROUP BY t1.ID ";</p>
<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">This is the result of this code, if you see the red arrow in the url, it is a student#1, which also includes student#2 items
<p><br /></p>
When the user clicks on the link with student ID 1, the parameter id in the link will be obtained, and then the global variable $_GET['id'] is used in PHP to query the database, and the WHERE clause is used in the query.