Fix "Please provide a valid cache path" error in Laravel
2023-08-15 19:44:19
<p>I copied a working laravel application and renamed it to be used by another application. I deleted the vendor folder and ran the following command again: </p>
<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">composer self-update
npm install
bower install</pre>
<p>I configured my routing and everything else correctly, but now when I try to run my application in the browser I get the following error: </p>
<p>InvalidArgumentException in Compiler.php line 36: Please provide a valid cache path. </p>
<p>ErrorException in Filesystem.php line 111:
Failed to open stream: No such file or directory </p>
<p>I have never encountered this problem before and I have no idea what causes it or how to fix it. I have searched online for a solution but have found none so far. </p>
Try the following:
Create the following folders under storage/framework:
It should be running normally now