In the Puppeteer browser, unexpected closing behavior after clicking the Cookie Accept button
2023-08-16 21:40:51
<p>I'm trying to use node.js and puppeteer to crawl a website for real-time football information, but after console.log("trying to select team element"), my browser closes immediately. </p>
<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">const puppeteer = require("puppeteer");
async function openPage() {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch( {headless: true} );
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.setViewport({ width: 1000, height: 926 });
await page.goto("");
//Accept cookies
const button = await page.waitForSelector('#onetrust-accept-btn-handler');
if (button) {
console.log("clicked cookie button");
return page;
async function scrapeData(page) {
let content = [];
// Get the competition elements
let elements = await page.waitForSelector(".Ip")
console.log("trying to select team element")
for (let i=0; i < elements.length; i ) {
let homeTeamElement = await elements[i].$(".Ip")
if (homeTeamElement) {
const homeTeamText = await homeTeamElement.evaluate(node => node.textContent);
return content;
(async () => {
const page = await openPage();
const dataScraped = await scrapeData(page);
await page.browser().close();
<p>Any ideas as to why this is the case and further criticism of my code are welcome! </p>
await page.waitForSelector(".Ip")
Only returns one element, not an array, so it cannot be looped. There should be a clear error message explaining the problem. Instead, usepage.$$eval
(or if you want to try the latest locator API) to extract the data.Note:
. It is guaranteed to be the element, otherwise it will throw an exception if it is not found within the specified time.await elements[i].$(".Ip")
won't help you access anything because there is no ## inside the.Ip
element you already hold #.Ip.