<p>If I attach an image to an email, how do I place it within the HTML content? I tried using just the filename as the image source but that doesn't seem to work. </p>
More specific instructions on how to build HTML email messages.
The result will be a multipart MIME message containing a text/html part (if you do use an alternative part of type text/plain) and multiple images, which are then referenced from the HTML. p>
See RFC 1813 and RFC 2378 for more information about content-ids and related data (referenced by CIDs in HTML source code) in mixed MIME.
The image attachment part requires Content-ID
Embed it in the markup using the same Content-ID (without the angle brackets)
This should allow additional images to be displayed in HTML!
More specific instructions on how to build HTML email messages.
The result will be a multipart MIME message containing a text/html part (if you do use an alternative part of type text/plain) and multiple images, which are then referenced from the HTML. p>
See RFC 1813 and RFC 2378 for more information about content-ids and related data (referenced by CIDs in HTML source code) in mixed MIME.