Best Practice: How to attach components to the DOM in Vue 3
P粉362071992 2023-08-24 19:51:03
<p>I want to dynamically create a component in my Vue 3 application, inside a Single File Component (SFC), and append it to the DOM. I'm using a <code><script setup></code> style component and that's another problem. </p> <p>This seems unnecessarily difficult. </p> <p>Here's roughly what I want to do:</p> <ol> <li>Get some data. Has been completed. </li> <li>Create an instance of the Vue component: Foo.vue. </li> <li>Pass data to it as properties. </li> <li>Append it where I want it. </li> </ol> <p>The problem is, I can't use <component :is="Foo:> in the template because I don't know where it will be long after the template is rendered.</p> <p>Are there any best practices? Is there any kind person who can provide a simple example, I would be very grateful. </p> <p>I sometimes can't understand the Vue documentation half the time. Sorry, hate to say it, but for a newbie to Vue, they are quite obscure and make me feel stupid. </p> <p>Here's some fake code for what I'm trying to do: </p> <pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">import Foo from "../components/Foo.vue" function makeAFoo(p, data){ // Instantiate my Foo.vue (not sure how to do this inline) and pass it the required data let foo = new Foo(data); // If only it were that simple, right? //Append it to p (which is an HTML element) p.appendChild(foo) }</pre> <p><br /></p>

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An easier way is to use v-if or v-for.

Instead of dealing with the component directly, it is better to deal with the state of the component and let Vue's responsive magic work

This is an example, dynamically add a component (Toast), just operate the state of the component

Toast.vue file: The v-for here is reactive, whenever a new error is added to the errors object, it will be rendered

<script setup lang="ts">
import { watch } from 'vue';
import { ref, onUpdated } from 'vue';
import { Toast } from 'bootstrap';

const props = defineProps({
  errors: { type: Array, default: () => [] },

onUpdated(() => {
  const hiddenToasts = props.errors.filter((obj) => {
    return != true;
  hiddenToasts.forEach(function (error) {
    var errorToast = document.getElementById(;
    var toast = new Toast(errorToast);; = true;
    errorToast.addEventListener('', function () {
      const indexOfObject = props.errors.findIndex((item) => {
        return ===;
      if (indexOfObject !== -1) {
        props.errors.splice(indexOfObject, 1);
<script lang="ts">
const TOASTS_MAX = 5;
export function push(array: Array, data): Array {
  if (array.length == TOASTS_MAX) {
  } else {

    class="position-fixed bottom-0 end-0 p-3"
    style="z-index: 11"
      v-for="item in errors"
      class="toast fade opacity-75 bg-danger"
      <div class="toast-header bg-danger">
        <strong class="me-auto text-white">Error</strong>
      <div class="toast-body text-white error-body">{{ item.msg }}</div>

ErrorTrigger.vue: Whenever a click event occurs, we push an error to the errors object

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, reactive } from 'vue';
import toast from './Toast.vue';
import { push } from './Toast.vue';

const count = ref(0);
const state = reactive({ errors: [] });

function pushError(id: int) {
  push(state.errors, { id: id, msg: 'Error message ' + id });

  <toast :errors="state.errors"></toast>

  <button type="button" @click="pushError('toast' + count++)">
    Error trigger: {{ count }}

Full example:


Option 1: Use createVNode(component, props) and render(vnode, container)

Create: Use createVNode() to create a component-defined VNode with props (for example, from *.vue imported SFC), which can be passed to render() to render on the given container element.

Destruction: Calling render(null, container) will destroy the VNode attached to the container. This method should be called to clean up when the parent component is unmounted (via the unmounted lifecycle hook).

// renderComponent.js
import { createVNode, render } from 'vue'

export default function renderComponent({ el, component, props, appContext }) {
  let vnode = createVNode(component, props)
  vnode.appContext = { ...appContext }
  render(vnode, el)

  return () => {
    // destroy vnode
    render(null, el)
    vnode = undefined

Note: This method relies on internal methods (createVNode and render), which may be refactored or removed in future versions.

Demo 1

Option 2: Use createApp(component, props) and app.mount(container)

Create: Use createApp() to create an application instance. This instance has a mount() method that can be used to render the component on a given container element.

Destruction: Application instances have unmount() methods to destroy application and component instances. This method should be called to clean up when the parent component is unmounted (via the unmounted lifecycle hook).

// renderComponent.js
import { createApp } from 'vue'

export default function renderComponent({ el, component, props, appContext }) {
  let app = createApp(component, props)
  Object.assign(app._context, appContext) // 必须使用Object.assign在_context上

  return () => {
    // 销毁app/component
    app = undefined

Note: This method creates an application instance for each component. If multiple components need to be instantiated in the document at the same time, it may cause considerable overhead.

Demo 2

Example usage

<script setup>
import { ref, onUnmounted, getCurrentInstance } from 'vue'
import renderComponent from './renderComponent'

const { appContext } = getCurrentInstance()
const container = ref()
let counter = 1
let destroyComp = null

onUnmounted(() => destroyComp?.())

const insert = async () => {
  destroyComp = renderComponent({
    el: container.value,
    component: (await import('@/components/HelloWorld.vue')).default
    props: {
      key: counter,
      msg: 'Message ' + counter++,

  <button @click="insert">插入组件</button>
  <div ref="container"></div>
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