Laravel 9 Eloquent model - retained column names in model
2023-09-03 14:36:02
<p>I have a postgres database with a table that has a column called "attributes". </p>
<p>The attribute column is of jsonb type, so I use Eloquent conversion: </p>
<pre class="lang-php prettyprint-override"><code>protected $casts = [
'attributes' => AsArrayObject::class,
<p>This seems to cause problems because the "property" is already an Eloquent model property, and there doesn't seem to be any provision for aliasing column names. </p>
<p>So this line:</p>
<pre class="lang-php prettyprint-override"><code>$this->attributes['a_property_of_the_attributes_jsonb_field'] = 'hello word!';
<p>Appears to be accessing an internal Eloquent model attribute - rather than the 'attributes' field in my database table, resulting in the following error:</p>
<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false;">SQLSTATE[42703]: Undefined column: 7 ERROR: column "a_property_of_the_attributes_jsonb_field" of relation "mytable" does not exist
LINE 1: update "mytable" set "a_property_of_the_attributes_jsonb_field" = $1 where "mypk" = ...</pre>
<p>I cannot rename the column because other non-PHP projects are using the database. </p>
<p>How can I access the Property field in my model as an ArrayObject? </p>
The simple solution is to use the ArrayObject accessor method:
NOTE: The "attributes" transformation still needs to be defined to access the underlying jsonb field as an array: