Rewrite the title to: By getting the id of the ResultSet and returning it as a java.sql.Array
2023-09-03 18:10:50
<p>I have the following:</p>
<pre class="brush:scala;toolbar:false;"> def getIds(name: String): java.sql.Array = {
val ids: Array[Integer] = Array()
val ps: PreparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM table WHERE name = ?")
ps.setString(1, name)
val resultSet = ps.executeQuery()
while( {
val currentId = resultSet.getInt(1)
ids: currentId
return connection.createArrayOf("INTEGER", ids.toArray)
<p>My intention is to use the output of this method into another PreparedStatement, using <code>.setArray(1, <array>)</code></p>
<p>But I get the following error: <code>java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException</code></p>
<p>I'm using MySQL. Already tried INTEGER, INT, BIGINT. But all failed. </p>
The translated content is:
After research, we found:
So my solution is to create a temporary table containing only the ids:
Then do an inner join with other statements/queries to achieve the same result: