This might be simple, but I don't know how to fix it.
I use Bootstrap5.
The complete code is here:
It seems that codeply has some problems... So I put it on jsfiddle as well
Mainly the contact directory page. The code structure is
<div class="container"> <div class="row gy-5"> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="card m-b-30"> <div class="card-body py-5"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-4 text-center"> <img src="/static/logo.png" alt="logo" > </div> <div class="col-lg-8"> <h5 class="card-text mb-0"><i class="fa-solid fa-person"></i> user 1</h5> <p class="card-text">CDD IT Informatique</p> <hr class="dropdown-divider"> <p class="card-text"><i class="fa-sharp fa-solid fa-building"></i> ###</p> <p class="card-text"><i class="fa-solid fa-envelope"></i> mail</p> <p class="card-text"><i class="fa-solid fa-phone"></i> phone</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> ...
On the big screen, it displays two cards in columns.
The problem is that the cards sometimes have different heights. For example, for user 2, his role changes to: "Enseignant Chercheur Astrophysicalque Hautes Energies" instead of "CDD IT Informatique", so this line requires two lines instead of one. So user 2's card has a different height than the other cards.
How can I solve it? I don't know the size of the card, so I can't fix it implicitly (which is probably not a good idea anyway).
P.S.: I would have the same problem if the logos were different sizes. Some logos change the height of the card despite using img-fluid, widht, max-widht, max-height, etc. But I think first I have to solve the simple height problem.
elements already have the same height - Bootstrap v5's Flexbox-based grid implementation already does this.All you need to do is make the card occupy 100% of the height of its parent: