I have been working on my website for a while now and over time I have continued to add many sections to my website but I have been manually editing each page and every time I add a new button to redirect to a new section, and while this isn't difficult or takes too long, I'm not sure how well this will work in the long run.
The following are related titles
Is there a way to make these elements consistent on every page by changing just one file?
This is my HTML code
<div class="logocontainer"> <a href="index.html"> <img src="images/badasslogo.png" align="center" class="logo"></a> </div> <body> <div class="buttoncontainer"> <a href="index.html"> <img src="images/buttons/homebutton.png" class="button"></a> <a href="blog/blogmain.html"> <img src="images/buttons/blogbutton.png" class="button"></a> <a href="art/artmain.html"> <img src="images/buttons/artbutton.png" class="button"></a> <a href="fanart/fanartmain.html"> <img src="images/buttons/fanartbutton.png" class="button"></a> <a href="partners/partnersmain.html"> <img src="images/buttons/partnersbutton.png" class="button"></a> <a href="guestbook/guestbook.html"> <img src="images/buttons/guestbookbutton.png" class="button"></a> <a href="servers/serversmain.html"> <img src="images/buttons/serversbutton.png" class="button"></a> <a href="downloads/downloadsmain.html"> <img src="images/buttons/downloadsbutton.png" class="button"></a> <a href="extras/extrasmain.html"> <img src="images/buttons/extrasbutton.png" class="button"></a> <a href="donate/donatemain.html"> <img src="images/buttons/donatebutton.png" class="button"></a> <a href="about/about.html"> <img src="images/buttons/aboutbutton.png" class="button"></a> </div>
This is CSS
.logocontainer { text-align: center; } .logo { display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 10px; } .buttoncontainer { text-align: center; } .button { display: inline-block; }
You need to add your menu to the menu.html page, and then call the menu.html page through jquery.
You can do this:
In your header.js file, you can do this:
Call this on all pages and once you make an edit in the js file it will be applied to all changes on all pages.