I made an openlayers map with various polylines on it. I'm using the default openstreetmap layer, but want to darken it to make my polylines stand out. I found that I can do this as follows:
map.getLayers().getArray()[0].on('postcompose', function (evt) { evt.context.canvas.style.filter="invert(99%)"; });
However, I also want my users to be able to download this map in PNG format. To do this, I use the following code, triggered by clicking a button:
map.once('postcompose', function(event) { var canvas = event.context.canvas; if (navigator.msSaveBlob) { navigator.msSaveBlob(canvas.msToBlob(), 'mymap.png'); } else { canvas.toBlob(function(blob) { saveAs(blob, 'mymap.png') }); } }); map.renderSync();
Unfortunately this does not preserve the modifications I made to resize the canvas.
Can anyone help me? Thank you for reading.
Setting a style filter on an element will not affect the output of
. If you want to change the canvas context rather than how the browser renders the canvas, you will need a globalCompositeOperation (judging from the code you are using, I assume you are using OpenLayers 5):