Bootstrap landing page layout issue - container does not fit correctly to screen size
P粉214089349 2023-09-10 21:04:02

I am currently practicing using Bootstrap to create a landing page. However, I'm facing layout issues, the container doesn't fit the appropriate screen size. The left and right sides are unbalanced, causing the screen to tilt to the left.

Here is a screenshot (link) illustrating the problem: Text

I tried various methods but could not solve the problem. I suspect this might be an issue with the grid system or container settings in Bootstrap.

Can anyone guide me on how to troubleshoot and fix this layout issue? Any suggestions or insights would be greatly appreciated.

Additionally, here are some relevant code snippets:

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I also checked the container syntax, margins and padding. But I really don’t understand what’s wrong with this..

I really appreciate your help, it helps me a lot as a newbie.

Thanks in advance! !


reply all(2)

Check the location of the container. In the code snippet, you use the container class with the col-xxl-8 class. Make sure the container wraps the entire content you want to center and that the col-xxl-8 class is applied correctly.

And think you should check all container classes for functional section like this

col-12 col-sm-8 col-lg-6 is used for image containers, col-lg-6 is used for text containers.


The horizontal scroll bar appears because the function part overflows the text by more than 100%. Adding the Bootstrap class mw-100 is equivalent to setting max-width: 100%; in CSS.

See the code snippet below.

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