In my parent component I have something like,
<template> <ProductCounter v-model="formData.productCount" label="product count" /> </template> <script setup> const initialFormData = { productCount: null, firstname: '', surname: '', phone: '', email: '', postcode: '', submittedOnce: false, errors: [] } let formData = reactive({ ...initialFormData }); const clearUI = () => { formData = reactive({ ...initialFormData }); triggerInlineForm.value = false; } </script>
My child component looks like this,
<template> <div class="form__row" @reset-counts="resetCount"> <div class="counter__row"> <label>{{ label }}</label> <div class="form__counter"> <button class="form__button--decrease form__button--circle form__button--animate-scale" :disabled="value == 0 || props.disabled" @click.prevent="decreaseCount()"> <i> <FontAwesomeIcon :icon="['fal', 'minus']" /> </i> </button> <input type="text" v-model="value" :disabled="props.disabled" @input="updateQty" placeholder="0"/> <button class="form__button--increase form__button--circle form__button--animate-scale" :disabled="props.disabled" @click.prevent="increaseCount()"> <i> <FontAwesomeIcon :icon="['fal', 'plus']" /> </i> </button> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script setup> import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome'; const emits = defineEmits(['update:modelValue', 'resetCounts']); const props = defineProps({ label: { type: String, required: true }, modelValue: { type: String, required: true, default: 0 }, disabled: { type: Boolean, required: false } }); const value = ref(props.modelValue); const updateQty = () => { emits('update:modelValue', value.value) } const increaseCount = () => { value.value++ emits('update:modelValue', value.value) } const decreaseCount = () => { value.value--; emits('update:modelValue', value.value) } </script>
I expected that when clearUI is triggered from the parent and formData is reset, the ProductCounter's v model should reflect back to 0, but this is not the case, where did I go wrong?
Links to real-time solutions
Please prepare a minimally reproducible example at next time. For your question:
Please do not overwrite reactive variables in Vue...
Just change them
:Also do not dereference component properties:
const value = ref(props.modelValue)
. These properties lose their reactivity because you just copy an original value.The best way to create a
model is to use acalculation
, which you can manipulate directly in the template.Also, your count property should be a number, not a string (you will get a Vue warning):
Additionally, there is no need to update the prop on the
event since you are already usingv-model > on the
. You should also convert the input model to numbers:
So you have: Application View