The right way to achieve component decoupling
P粉476475551 2023-09-14 10:57:11

I'm dealing with communication between two components (using Vue 2), one of which is a button, which can have states like initial, loading and completion (success or failure), for each state of the button I may display Different text, different icons (loading: spin icon, successful completion: tick, error completion: x), I also have a form that will use a button component. I'm not sure how to change the button's state based on the current state of the form submission. Please see the code below.

My button component:

    <i :class="icon" v-if="is_disabled || concluded"></i>
    {{ title }}

export default {
  props: {
    title: {
      type: String,
    type: {
      default: "button",
      type: String,
  data() {
    return {
      concluded: false,
      icon: "fa fa-spin ",
      is_disabled: false,
      status_type: "success",
  methods: {
    clicked() {
      if (!this.is_disabled) {
          () => {
            this.is_disabled = true;
            this.icon = "fa fa-spin fas fa-spinner";
          (succeeded) => {
            this.is_disabled = false;
            this.concluded = true;
            this.icon = succeeded ? "fas fa-check" : "fas fa-xmark";
            this.status_type = succeeded ? "success" : "error";
            setTimeout(() => {
              this.concluded = false;
              this.icon = "";
              this.status_type = "";
            }, 1500);

My form component:

    <ThePages :parents="accompaniments">
       <!--  ... some reactive stuff  -->
      <template #extra_button>
        <TheButton @clicked="sendItemToCart" :title="button_text" :disabled="button_disabled" />

import axios from 'axios'
import FormatHelper from '../helpers/FormatHelper'
import SwalHelper from '../helpers/SwalHelper'
import TheButton from './TheButton.vue'
import ThePages from './ThePages.vue'
import TheQuantityPicker from './TheQuantityPicker.vue'

export default {
  props: ['product'],
  components: {
  data() {
    return {
      accompaniments: this.product.accompaniment_categories,
      button_text: '',
      button_disabled: false,
      format_helper: FormatHelper.toBRCurrency,
      observation: '',
      quantity: 1,
      success: false,
  created() {
  methods: {
    // ... some other methods
    async sendItemToCart(startLoading, concludedSuccessfully) {
      startLoading()  // This will change the button state
      this.button_text = 'Adicionando...'
      await axios
        .post(route('cart.add'), {
          accompaniments: this.buildAccompanimentsArray(),
          quantity: this.quantity,
          observation: this.observation,
        .then(() => {
          concludedSuccessfully(true)  // This will change the button state
          this.button_text = 'Adicionado'
        .catch((error) => {
          concludedSuccessfully(false)  // This will change the button state
          if (
            error?.response?.data?.message ==
            'Este produto atingiu a quantidade máxima para este pedido.'
          ) {
          } else {
          this.button_text = 'Adicionar ao carrinho'

In the code above, you can see how I change the state of the button based on the state of the form: My button emits two functions when clicked (startLoading, includedSuccessfully), and then I use these two in sendItemToCart function.

This seems to couple the two components a little too much, since I have to pass these functions as parameters to the parent component's methods. Also, I have another idea on how to do this, which is to give each button a ref and then call its method using the ref in the parent component. The idea sounds a bit like "composition instead of inheritance" in object-oriented programming, where I just ask the object/component to do something, but in this case, without taking the function as a parameter.

Well, the two cases above seem better than creating a variable for every button I might have, but they seem like they could be improved. So what I'm looking for is: How can I decouple my components better?


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If we're talking about Vue 3 (you didn't specify the version of Vue, so not sure it's Vue 2), you're probably looking for provide/inject:

So, if you have a parent component and a bunch of child components that can only appear as descendants of the parent component (such as forms and input boxes), you can provide the state of the form:

The OP commented that buttons may appear elsewhere as well, so we should use both props and provide. In the absence of a form, we can use props as the default injected value.

In the form component:

<script setup>

import {reactive, provide} from 'vue';

const form = reactive({button_disabled: false, button_text: '', sendItemToCart});
provide('form', form);

function sendItemToCart(){
  // your logic here


    <ThePages :parents="accompaniments">
       <!--  ... some reactive stuff  -->
      <template #extra_button>
        <TheButton />

In the button component:

<script setup>

import {inject} from 'vue';

const props = defineProps('button_disabled button_text'.split(' '));
const form = inject('form', props); // use either provide of props


    @click="() => form.sendItemToCart ? form.sendItemToCart() : $emit('clicked')"
    <i :class="icon" v-if="form.button_disabled || concluded"></i>
    {{ form.button_text }}

Adjust the code to Options API.

Update using Vue 2

OP corrected the answer, using Vue 2. so...

Fortunately, Vue 2 also supports provide/inject! The only problem was how to make the provide responsive, which I guess is solved here:

How do I make Vue 2 Provide / Inject API reactive?

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