I have an issue with the image upload functionality of my PHP application. details as following:
I have a form where the user can create a post and upload an image related to the post. When I upload my first post with an image, everything works fine and the image is saved correctly to the server in a folder called Uploads and saved under a name (for example, post1_image. jpg). However, the problem arises when I try to upload a second post with a different image with the same name as the first image (for example, post1_image.jpg). Instead of saving it as a new image, it replaces the previous image associated with the first post. How can I modify my PHP code to ensure that each uploaded image has a unique name and does not overwrite any existing images? Here is a simplified version of the PHP code I currently use to handle image uploads:
<?php include "config.php"; // 与服务器建立连接 // 文件上传 if (isset($_FILES['fileToUpload'])) { $Errors = array(); $File_Name = $_FILES['fileToUpload']['name']; $File_Size= $_FILES['fileToUpload']['size']; $File_Tmp = $_FILES['fileToUpload']['tmp_name']; $File_Type = $_FILES['fileToUpload']['type']; $File_ext = end(explode('.',$File_Name)); $Extensions = array('jpeg','jpg','png'); if (in_array($File_ext,$Extensions) === false) { $Errors[] = "不允许上传此文件。您只能上传jpeg,jpg和png文件"; } if ($File_Size > 2097152) { $Errors[] = "您不能上传大于2MB的文件"; } if (empty($Errors) == true) { move_uploaded_file($File_Tmp,"upload/". $File_Name); }else{ print_r($Errors); die(); } } session_start(); $Title = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn,$_POST["post_title"]); $Description = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn,$_POST["postdesc"]); $Category = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn,$_POST["category"]); $date = date("D M,Y"); $Auther = $_SESSION['name']; $sql = "insert into post (title,description,category,post_date,author,post_img) values ('{$Title}', '{$Description}', {$Category}, '{$date}', '{$Auther}','{$File_Name}');"; $sql .= "Update category set post = post+1 where category_id = $Category;"; // $result = mysqli_multi_query($conn, $sql) or die ("Query unsucceful"); if (mysqli_multi_query($conn, $sql)) { mysqli_close($conn); header('Location: http://'.$hostname.'/cms/admin/post.php'); }else { echo "查询失败"; } ?>
Thank you very much for any insights or suggestions on how to solve this problem! Thanks!
You can use the uniqid() function to ensure that each uploaded image has a unique name.