I'm running into some issues while trying to resolve an issue on the site.
The CDN (Content Delivery Network) works on some pages but not others, I first thought this was due to a write error on the path, but that's not the case.
Example, not working here (Home:
<div class="container"> <div class="row wrap"> <article class="col-sm-3 entry animate__animated animate__fadeInUp" aria-label="" style="height: 417px;"> <a class="thumb_link aligncenter" href="https://example.com/the-link/" title="click to read"> <img style="" class="entry-image attachment-post lazyloaded thumb img-responsive" alt="text" src="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/img.png"><header class="entry-header"><h2 class="entry-title">Title</h2></header></a>
But it is running on another page (same post, same image) (using Ezoic CDN as an example) (custom page showing all recent posts)
<div class="news-snippet"><a href="https://example.com/the-link/" rel="bookmark" class="featured-image"> <img src="https://sf.ezoiccdn.com/ezoimgfmt/example.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/img.png?ezimgfmt=rs:368x246/rscb1/ngcb1/notWebP" alt="text" ezimgfmt="rs rscb1 src ng ngcb1" class=" ezlazyloaded" data-ezsrc="https://sf.ezoiccdn.com/ezoimgfmt/example.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/image.png?ezimgfmt=rs:368x246/rscb1/ngcb1/notWebP" height="494" width="740" ezoid="0"></a> <div class="summary"> <h4 class="news-title"><a href="https://example.com/the-link/" rel="bookmark">Title</a></h4><p>excerpt of post</p><a href="https://example.com/the-link/" rel="bookmark" class="readmore">Read More</a></div></div>
Why does this happen?
I checked that the paths shown in WordPress are correct and everything looks fine.
The location of the path is not an issue since the same image is optimized on different pages.
Looks like you're not using a CDN in your first example. Maybe you removed the content from the origin and the CDN returned a cached version.