I am using laravel 10 php 8.10 for work, here the javascript ajax button is working fine on php artisan serve but getting error on **MAMP PRO** (localhost:8888) ( An error occurred while processing the request) and does not work on the url http://localhost:8888/xxx/public. The following are snippets of html and js:
Need help solving this problem.
**HTML** @if($row->soc_extra==1) <a class="updatesocialmediaStatus" id="socialmedia-{{ $row->id }}" socialmedia_id="{{ $row->id }}" href="javascript:void(0)"><i class="fas fa-toggle-on" soc-extra="Active"></i></a> @else <a class="updatesocialmediaStatus" id="page-{{ $row->id }}" socialmedia_id="{{ $row->id }}" style='color:#007bff;' style="color:gray" href="javascript:void(0)"><i class="fas fa-toggle-off" soc-extra="Inactive"></i></a> @endif <a style='color:#007bff;' href="{{ url('admin/social-media/edit/'.$row->id) }}"><i class="fas fa-edit"></i></a> <a style='color:#007bff;' class="confirmDelete" name="socialmedia" title="Delete socialmedia" href="javascript:void(0)" record="socialmedia" recordid="{{ $row->id }}" <?php /*href="{{ url('admin/delete-socialmedia/'.$row['id']) }}"*/ ?>><i class="fas fa-trash"></i></a> @endforeach **JS** <script> $(document).on("click", ".updatesocialmediaStatus", function(){ var soc_extra = $(this).children("i").attr("soc-extra"); var social_media_id = $(this).attr("socialmedia_id"); $.ajax({ headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content') }, type: 'post', url: '/admin/update-socialmedia-status', data: {soc_extra: soc_extra, social_media_id: social_media_id}, success:function(resp){ if (resp['status'] == 0) { $("#socialmedia-" + social_media_id).html("<i class='fas fa-toggle-off' style='color:grey' soc-extra='Inactive'></i>"); } else if (resp['status'] == 1) { $("#socialmedia-" + social_media_id).html("<i class='fas fa-toggle-on' style='color:#007bff' soc-extra='Active'></i>"); } }, error:function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown){ console.log(xhr.responseText); alert('在处理请求时出错。'); } }); }); </script>
Need help solving this problem.
Is your MAMP Apache port indeed set to port 8888 and not port 80?
I've done this a few times (port 8888 for testing, port 80 for deployment) and kept the Ajax calls targeting localhost instead of localhost:8888 or vice versa.
Alternatively, you may need to explicitly specify the 8888 port in the Ajax call, for example:
url: 'http://localhost:8888/admin/update-socialmedia-status'
Hope this helps?