I want to pass a function to the href attribute of my a tag link, but no matter what I try it doesn't work. It either results in a 404 page or is simply unclickable. What did i do wrong?
This is not clickable
<body> <a id="specialLink" href="#" onClick="redirectToApp()">点击我</a> <script> document.getElementById('specialLink').href = redirectToApp(); function redirectToApp () { return "http://www.google.com"; } </script> </body>
This is not clickable
<body> <a href="#" onClick="document.location.href=redirectToApp()">点击我</a> <script> function redirectToApp () { return "http://www.google.com"; } </script> </body>
This results in a 404 page
<body> <a href="javascript:document.location.href=redirectToApp();">点击我</a> <script> function redirectToApp () { return "http://www.google.com"; } </script> </body>
I should probably also clarify that I'm emailing this HTML where the link should open, and unless I just pass the URL as a string to the href, nothing works.
You can try this:
And remove the
on the anchor tagonClick