I'm looking for a SQL injection safe technique to insert a large number of rows (~2000 rows) at once using PHP and MySQLi.
I have an array that contains all the values it must contain. Currently I'm doing this:
<?php $array = array("array", "with", "about", "2000", "values"); foreach ($array as $one) { $query = "INSERT INTO table (link) VALUES ( ?)"; $stmt = $mysqli->prepare($query); $stmt ->bind_param("s", $one); $stmt->execute(); $stmt->close(); } ?>
I tried call_user_func_array() but it resulted in stack overflow.
What is a faster way to do this (like inserting them all at once?) but still prevent SQL injection (like prepared statements) and stack overflow?
Try again, I don't understand why your original code doesn't work after a slight modification:
By putting your inserts into a transaction you should be able to speed things up a lot. You can also move prepare and bind statements outside the loop.
I tested this code on my web server for 10,000 iterations.
No transaction:
226 seconds.
Transaction time:2 seconds.
Orbe two orders of magnitude faster, at least for this test.